Monday, February 24, 2020

Film analysis Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film analysis - Movie Review Example Only a few religious groups and NGOs in the world lifted a finger to end the violent deaths. This fact alone made Hotel Rwanda a significant movie (Gillespie, 2004). Discussion The origin of the 1994 conflict was the assassination of Rwanda’s Hutu president; Juvenal Habyarimana. The Hutus claimed that it was the Tutsi who shot the president’s jet from the sky. Immediately, the militia and the Hutu army systematically started butchering the minority Tutsi. Following the Hutu extremists massacring the Tutsi population, Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager, who was also a Hutu helped save the lives of his family and friends and those of over a thousand refugees. Paul gathered his neighbors and family into their cars and took off to the hotel. He put his own life at risk for the next hundred days by protecting not only his children and wife but also other refugees who were of the Tutsi descents and a genocide mark. Throughout this period, Paul bribed several senior Hutu army functionaries with gifts and money, bluffed and blackmailed them in order to have his hotel protected (Gillespie, 2004). According to this movie, outsiders did not mediate, just because Rwandans were Africans. Racism contributed to outsider’s hesitance to become involved. ... The message is that never again shall this be allowed to take place in Rwanda or any other part of the world. As much as no one would want to experience such an ordeal for a second time, it would be utter naivety to assume that such barbarity is not likely to happen again somewhere in the world (Gillespie, 2004). Hotel Rwanda goes further to show that even in the middle of this crisis and brutality, some people have a heart, and they still care. This is another significant part of this film. Paul Rusesabagina was one of the few people who indeed cared. Paul was the manager of a four-star establishment in Kigali, The Hotel Des Milles Collines (Gillespie, 2004). The man struggled to save people’s lives, and he took too many risks. Paul Rusesabagina is the film’s hero and a favorite character for many viewers. The relationship between Paul and his wife kept the movie grounded. In the beginning of the film, Paul’s intentions were far from selfless. He was more concer ned with grooming favor with the powerful people than helping his fellow man. However, when the massacring began, he did not blink to offer his help. He used his associations with the people in power to protect Hutu and Tutsi refugees. Paul eventually sheltered approximately 1,286 refugees in his hotel. This was such an extraordinary feat by Paul. He made it possible mainly because of his wit, bravery influence, and intelligence (Gillespie, 2004) The envenomed UN colonel was another heroic figure in this movie. His duty was to watch the massacre without intervening. Other heroic figures were a Red Cross worker who was forced to watch the children she was trying to rescue being put to death, a lot of anonymous Catholic nuns and priests, and a young news

Saturday, February 8, 2020

US Unemployment Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US Unemployment Problem - Essay Example Connectively, unemployed people include all those people who have been laid of temporarily from their work. Unemployment rate may be determined by taking the number of unemployed people as a fraction of labour force. Whereby, labour force may be obtained by adding the number of unemployed and employed people. In 1948, the United States unemployment rate was reported to be 5.81%, this rate decreased up to 2.5% in 1953. Additionally, unemployment rates continued to increase significantly even in 1982, whereby 10.8% unemployment was reported. Additionally, in 2001 the rate of unemployment was reported to be 5.6% and increased up to 6% in 2003(Amadeo, paras 4-8). The rate of unemployment continued to escalate significantly especially during 2008 economic recession. Research indicates that an unemployment rate of 10.2% was reported on October 2008. However, on January 2008, the rate of unemployment among different groups was as follows: 7.0 percent female adults, 6.9 percent male adults, 3.2 percent Asians Amercans, 24.2% teenagers, 9.2 percent Hispanics and 13.3 percent Africans Americans. Currently, unemployement rate was reported to be 7.6 percent on March 2013.Therefore, Understanding unemployment problems is very vital not only to individuals but also to all sectors of the economy. This is because it acts as an economic indicator of whether an economy is developing or not. This may further help the US federal government to identify fiscal and monetary measures to address the problem of unemployment (Woirol, 10-15). US Unemployment Problem The reason why unemployment rate that was reported by the US government could be misleading is because the official unemployment data released by the government does not reflect the true states of affaires on the economy. This is because the rate does not include all the relevant components for computing the rate of unemployment (Hardson, para1). According to economist such as John Williams, the government reported a national unemployment rate of 7.9% and a 9.8% unemployment rate in California as at January 2013. On the contrary, unemployment rate was reported decreased up to 7.7% on March 2013, indicating a 0.2% decline in official unemployment rate (Hardson, para2-3). According to Williams this could be misleading because when making computation the national unemployment excludes the discouraged workers and include only those people have been actively looking for a job within a period of four weeks. This means those people who had given up in looking for a job are not included in unemployment figures. This consequently makes the official unemployment to be significantly lower that the actual unemployment on the ground. In above connection, other economist asserted that the official unemployment do not show any significant improvement and this could be another reason for having a misleading rate of unemployment (Hardson, paras7-10). Additionally, the government does not make reviews to the previous unem ployment rates making the official unemployment to have a significant difference from the previous unemployment rates. Connectively, gross domestic product, consumer price index and unemployment figure have been politicised by political leaders for personal gains.. This has consequently led to an increase in cases of misleading unemployment figures. Lack of full disclosure to public on with respect to which data was adjusted in coming up with unemployment rates has contributed an increase cases of misleading rates of unemployment (Hardson, paras10-22). In order to solve unemployment problems, the